
UCR Provost to Receive Distinguished Service Award in Analytical Chemistry

The American Chemical Society (ACS) Division of Analytical Chemistry has announced Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Cynthia K. Larive is the recipient of the 2018 Award for Distinguished Service in the Advancement of Analytical Chemistry. The Distinguished Service award is presented each year to “an individual who through professional service…has substantially and uniquely enhanced the...

2018 Robert C. Haddon Memorial Endowed Graduate Award

In memory of Professor Haddon, the Haddon family has established the Robert C. Haddon Memorial Endowed Graduate Award, with the generous donations from the Haddon family and friends. This award will recognize a Chemistry graduate student annually for research excellence and comes with a ~$1000 financial award. The deadline for the 2018 applications is March...

Wenjing Xu and Cheng Zhan - 2017 Chinese Govnt Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad

Wenjing Xu and Cheng Zhan receive the 2017 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad. Wenjing is a fifth-year graduate student in Yadong Yin's group; her research focuses on functionalization of nanostructures by surface engineering. Cheng Zhan is a fourth-year graduate student in De-en Jiang's group; his research focuses on understanding capacitive energy storage...

Greg Beran - 2016-17 Academic Senate Distinguished Teaching Award

Greg Beran receives the 2016-17 Distinguished Teaching award from the UCR Academic Senate for "exceptional effort and achievement in teaching by a professional faculty member." Prof. Beran's nominations highlight his "outstanding ability to make rigorous material accessible to a broad audience without watering it down." They note his "commitment to creating a more engaging learning...

Ryan Julian - 2017 Biemann Medal recipient from the American Society for Mass Spectrometry

Ryan Julian is the 2017 Biemann Medal recipient from the American Society for Mass Spectrometry. The Biemann Medal is one of two major awards given annually by ASMS. UCR has brought home the Biemann Medal twice in four years and is only the second school worldwide to boast two winners. Read More

Robert C. Haddon Memorial Symposium - April 7, 2017, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Robert C. Haddon Memorial Symposium will be held on April 7, 2017, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (reception to follow). RSVP by March 30 by email ( or call (951) 827-5089. Location: UC Riverside - Winston Chung Hall 205/206 (Parking available in Lot 13).

Ming Lee Tang - Sloan Research Fellowship Award

RIVERSIDE, Calif. ( — Ming Lee Tang, an assistant professor of chemistry at the University of California, Riverside, has been awarded a Sloan Research Fellowship for her research with nanoparticles that could have a strong impact on the solar power industry and biomedical fields. Awarded annually since 1955, Sloan Research Fellowships honor early-career scientists and...

Prof. Pirrung Named National Academy of Inventors Fellow

RIVERSIDE, Calif. ( — Michael Pirrung, a distinguished professor of chemistry at the University of California, Riverside, has been named one of the new 175 fellows of the National Academy of Inventors (NAI). Pirrung is an organic chemist with research in the areas of chemical biology, synthesis, and nucleic acids. He is a pioneer...

Yadong Yin - NML Researcher Award 2016

Professor Yadong Yin was chosen as one of the recipients of the NML Researcher Award 2016 by the journal of Nano-Micro Letters in partnership with the Nature Research Society. The NML Researcher Award is established to recognize research excellence in the field of nano and micro science, with special consideration to those who have continuously...

Prof. Dave Martin - Thieme Chemistry Journal Awardee

Professor Dave Martin was chosen by the editorial boards of Synlett, Synthesis, and Synfacts as one of the Thieme Chemistry Journal Awardees for 2017. Awardees are described as promising young Professors near the beginning of their career. Each year a number of Professors are chosen to receive free print and electronic subscriptions of all three...

Dr. Jessy Lemieux - Assistant Professor at San Bernardino Valley College

Jessy Lemieux earned his PhD at UC-Riverside performing experimental studies on thermal decomposition kinetics of molecules relevant to combustion and semiconductor chemical vapor deposition processes in the research group of Dr. Jingsong Zhang. Jessy is a passionate educator who was twice recognized as Teaching Assistant of the Year in the UCR Chemistry Department and now...

Prof. Zaera Highlighted in the ACS C&E News

Professor Francisco Zaera's presentation at the recent National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, held in Philadelphia between August 21-25, 2016, was highlighted in the latest issue of Chemical and Engineering News. In an invited talk at the "In Situ and Operando Spectroscopy and of Catalysts" symposium of the Catalysis Division, he discussed the results...

Prof. Beran receives 2016 Emerging Technologies Award

Professor Greg Beran was awarded the 2016 Emerging Technologies Award from the Computers in Chemistry division of the American Chemical Society at the Fall national meeting in Philadelphia. The award recognizes his group's development of accurate and computationally affordable techniques for predicting chemical shifts in molecular crystals for NMR crystallography and "the impact that the...

ACS Meeting Alumni Reception Aug 24

UCR will be hosting an alumni reception during the ACS conference on Wednesday, August 24 from 5:30-7:30 in downtown Philadelphia at Square 1682, 121 South 17th Street. The event is free and details are provided upon registration at the following link: All current and past students, postdocs, alumni and friends of UCR are invited...

UCR Chemistry Ranked 42nd Worldwide

The UCR Chemistry Program has been ranked 42nd world wide by TheBestSchools.Org. The ranking cites the breadth of major research areas, facilities, and instrumentation, and the success of graduates. Read More

Passing of Distinguished Professor Robert Haddon

Robert Cort Haddon, UCR distinguished professor of Chemistry and of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, and Director of the Center for Nanoscale Science & Engineering, passed away April 21, 2016. Haddon is best known for the prediction and discovery of superconductivity in alkali-metal-doped carbon-60, for his preparation and characterization of a stable crystal of phenalenyl radicals...

2016 ACS Division of Organic Chemistry Undergraduate Award

Congratulations to Jack I-Chieh Wang as UCR's recipient of the American Chemical Society Division of Organic Chemistry award. This award is given to one "Outstanding, Senior Organic Chemistry Student" at UCR. Jack carried out his undergraduate research in Prof. Martin's laboratory synthesizing new catalysts, and has also worked in the Department of Biochemistry. Jack is...

Prof. Bartels receives Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Research

Professor Ludwig Bartels has been selected to receive the 2015-2016 Chancellors Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Research. Dr. Bartels has mentored close to a hundred undergraduate research students from many different academic programs. The majority of Dr. Bartels research publications have undergraduate co-authors and he is the leader of the NSF funded program for Research...

Three Chemistry Students receive NSF Graduate Fellowship Awards

3 chemistry students have been awarded prestigious five year NSF Graduate Research Fellowships. Jesse Tamayo works on macromolecular and nanochemistry with Dr. Tang. Pranee Pairs works on novel chemical synthesis with Dr. Harman. Marissa Gionet-Gonzales performs research on chemical imaging with Dr. Zhong. David Barroso also received honorable mention for his work on materials chemistry...

Prof. Mueller awarded the Regitze Vold Prize

Prof. Len Mueller was awarded the Regitze R Vold Memorial Prize at the 9th Alpine Conference on Solid-State NMR in Chamonix, France, September 2015. This prize is awarded for outstanding contributions from a scientist under 50 yrs of age. Read More
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