Analytical Chemistry Instrumentation Facility
The ACIF is a campus wide facility housed in the Department of Chemistry and consists of four components, Mass Spectrometry, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy, X-ray Crystallography and Optical Spectroscopy. A faculty director oversees the ACIF as a whole and a support staff of four spectroscopists manage and maintain the various facilities.
Central Facility for Advanced Microscopy and Microanalysis
The CFAMM is a research, service, and consulting laboratory for microscopic characterization of organic and inorganic materials, biological tissue and minerals applying electron beam techniques. The facility utilizes state-of-the-art equipment and its personnel conducts research and provides collaborative assistance, training and service to faculty, staff, and students at UCR as well as to clients in industry, government, and academia.
Center for Nanoscale Science & Engineering
The CNSE supports research to transition from 2D-silicon-based devices to high-density, high-performance 2D- and 3D-electronics that will improve the functional density and power of electronic circuitry: spintronics, 3-D electronics and memory storage; materials of interest include single-walled carbon nanotubes and graphene. The CNSE Nanofabrication Center and Clean Room provides facilities for semiconductor processing and nano fabrication.
Center for Plant Cell Biology
The Center for Plant Cell Biology answers significant outstanding questions in plant biology by integrating genomic, bioinformatic, cellular, molecular, biochemical, and genetic approaches. Their goal is to apply the knowledge of how plants respond to their dynamic environment toward manipulation of crop plants safely and efficiently for better and more sustainable production.
Center for Catalysis
The UCR Center for Catalysis brings together the extensive expertise in catalysis and nanotechnology available at the University of California, Riverside in order to optimize our synergies and develop the capability to address the large and complex challenges facing the field of catalysis. It presently includes 21 principal investigators from CNAS and BOE covering the areas of homogeneous, heterogeneous and enzymatic catalysis as well as materials synthesis and nanotechnology as it applies to catalysis.
CNAS Machine Shop
The CNAS Machine Shop specializes in precision machining, fabrication, UHV systems, welding, 3D printing, and design. We have over 40 years of experience and can help with everything from basic parts for facilities to complex machining, welding and instrument repair. Job descriptions and drawings can be submitted on-line. Student training and access to a student machine shop is also available. The shop is located in Physics 1028.