
Dr. Angle becomes Provost at Wright State Univ.

RIVERSIDE, Calif. — Steven R. Angle, dean of the College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences (CNAS) at UC Riverside, has accepted the position of provost at Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio. He will assume his new duties on March 15, 2007. As Wright State University’s chief academic officer, Angle will oversee all academic units as...

Dr. Cheng in the News

Biophotonics Spectra featured in its Sept. 06 issue the work of the Cheng research group in an article entitled: FRET Ventrures Out of the Lab Read More

New Isonitriles from the Pirrung Lab.

Science News highlighted in its Sept. 16th issue the development of versatile, fragrant and convertible isonitriles by UC Professor of Chemistry Michael Pirrung.

Dr. Bartels paper among AIP Top 25 for 2005

The American Institute of Physics elects Dr. Bartels publicatin on Walking Molecules one of the Top Stories for 2005. Other items on the list include NASA Cassini Mission and the 2005 Nobel Prize.

UCR Chemistry Alumnus Richard R. Schrock wins the 2005 Chemistry Nobel Prize !

RIVERSIDE, Calif — UC Riverside alumnus Richard R. Schrock has won the 2005 Nobel Prize in chemistry. Schrock graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in chemistry from UCR in 1967. Schrock won the Nobel Prize for the development of a chemical reaction now used daily in the chemical industry for the efficient and more...
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