
How Do Anticancer Drugs Work? Public lecture on May 16 at UCR

RIVERSIDE, Calif. — Anticancer drugs save lives and/or improve the quality of life for many cancer patients. Many anti-cancer drugs work by killing tumor cells after inducing damage to DNA. The public has an opportunity to learn about the mechanisms of action of some commonly used anticancer drugs and how laboratory research may lead to...

Dr. Xinzhao Grace Jiang

Grace received a Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry from UCR in 2006 under the mentorship of Prof. Yinsheng Wang. Her thesis was on nucleosomal protein study using mass spectrometry and biochemical techniques. Dr. Grace Jiang joined Amgen in 2006 as a Scientist in Process and Product Development. Amgen is a leading biotechnology company dedicated to deliver...

Dr. Haddon - Carbon Nanotube Thin Film as Electrically Configurable Optical Medium

Research by UC Riverside scientists have found that the optical transparency of single-walled carbon nanotube (SWNT) films coated with a layer of an ionic liquid (IL) can be dramatically increased or decreased depending on the sign of the applied electrical potential. The change of transparency can be uniform across the SWNT thin film and utilized...

2013 Innovative Teaching Award

Dr. Jack Eichler will receive the 2013 Innovative Teaching Award on May 1st, 2013 for his lecture on "Pedagogies of Engagement in Large Enrollment Introductory Course". See link for Abstract. Read More

2013 Goldwater Scholarship Recipient

Mary Nguyen, a junior in Chemistry and a University Honors student at UC Riverside, has been selected as a 2013 Barry Goldwater Scholarship recipient. The Goldwater Scholarship provides $7500 for juniors to encourage outstanding students to pursue careers in mathematics, the natural sciences, or engineering, and to foster excellence in those fields. In interviewing Mary...

Le He - Graduate Student Award

Le He, a fifth year graduate student of the Yin group won a Graduate Student Award and a Poster Award at the 2013 Materials Research Society spring meeting in San Francisco. The MRS Graduate Student Awards recognize students of exceptional ability who show promise for significant future achievement in materials research. Le presented his work...

2 NSF and 1 NRC fellowship for Bartels Lab Students

On 3/29 three graduate students of the Bartels Lab received prestigious fellowships: MSE student Chen Wang and EE student Miguel Isarraraz received National Science Foundation graduate fellowships for studies on the catalytic and electronic properties, respectively, of molybdenum disulfide and related materials. Physics student Jon Wyrick received a National Research Council Postdoctoral fellowship for scanning...

Dr. G. Susan Srivatsa

Dr. Susan Srivatsa is the Founder and President of ElixinPharma, a pharmaceutical regulatory consulting firm that provides scientific and technical leadership in the area of Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls (CMC) for a number of leading companies in various stages of clinical development. The firm specializes in supporting the development of novel technologies such as DNA...

Riverside Unified School District (RUSD) Science Fair

Julia, Karissa and Sophia, 7th graders at Matthew Gage Middle School, celebrate their 1st place win of the Chemistry Department's sponsored research award at the RUSD Science Fair. Great job ladies!

Dr. Charlie Gay - Elected to National Academy of Engineering

Applied Materials, Inc., the market leader in solar photovoltaic (PV) manufacturing equipment, announced that Dr. Charlie Gay, president of Applied's Solar division, has been elected to the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) for his seminal leadership contributions to the development of the global solar PV industry. Dr. Charlie Gay received his B.S. and Ph.D. in...

High School Student Published his Research Results in Nano Letters

Michael Janner, a high school student from Redlands East Valley High School, recently published his research results in Nano Letters, a top tier journal in the field of nanoscience. He worked as a summer intern in Prof. Yadong Yin’s group since 2010. In this paper, he shared the co-first authorship with a graduate student, Qiao...

Alumni Scholarship Award Recipients

The University of California, Riverside’s Department of Chemistry has awarded five undergraduate students with the Alumni Scholarship Award. This award is made possible by the support of the Chemistry Department Alumni and is awarded to undergraduate students for their academic achievements, research involvement and extra-curricular activities. The following students have demonstrated such merit and were...

RUSD Science and Engineering Fair

Student Joseph Nakatani with Science Teacher Mr. Matt Schiller from Poly High in Riverside celebrate earning the 2nd place Department of Chemistry's Excellence in Research Award for the RUSD 2012 Science and Engineering Fair. Way to go Joseph!

Dr. Dennis Owsley

UCR Alumni Dr. Dennis Owsley received his Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry under the direction of Prof. George Helmkamp. After his graduation he started work at Monsanto in St. Louis where over the next 27 years he participated in successful projects in photochemistry, gas phase/solid state chemistry, process chemistry and discovery, enzyme inhibitors, microbiology, and protein...

New Compound Holds High Promise in Battling Kidney Cancer

RIVERSIDE, Calif. — Chemists at the University of California, Riverside have developed a compound that holds much promise in the laboratory in fighting renal (kidney) cancer. Named TIR-199, the compound targets the “ proteasome,” a cellular complex in kidney cancer cells, similar to the way the drug bortezomib, approved by the Food and Drug Administration...

Dr. Renee Williams - Selected for the UC President's Postdoctoral Fellowship

UCR Chemistry alum Dr. Renee Williams has been selected from more than 500 applicants as the recipient of a prestigious UC Presidents Postdoctoral Fellowship. A recent graduate from our Department, Dr. Williams received her Ph.D. from UCR in December 2012 under the direction of Prof. Yinsheng Wang.This fellowship will fully fund her postdoctoral research on...

Dr. Hill Harman - New faculty member for the Department of Chemistry

Dr. Hill Harman has accepted a position at UC Riverside as a Assistant Professor of Chemistry and will be joining the department early July, 2013. His research includes the development of new reaction centered on d- and p-block elements for the catalysis of chemical reactions relevant to these broad goals, such as the storage of...

Sarah Totten

I attended UCR from 2004 to 2009 and majored in chemistry. Studying chemistry at UCR was stimulating and presented a lot of opportunities to participate in undergraduate research. It was here I discovered I had a knack for analytical chemistry and began doing research in Professor Larive’s bioanalytical lab where I learned a variety of...

Dr. Bartels - Members of the new Center for Spintronic Materials, Interfaces, and Novel Architecture

RIVERSIDE, Calif. – Three University of California, Riverside scientists and engineers are members of a new national research center — the Center for Spintronic Materials, Interfaces, and Novel Architectures (C-SPIN) — focused on developing the next generation of microelectronics. Led by the University of Minnesota, C-SPIN is being supported by a five-year $28 million grant...

2013 Innovative Use of Information Technology in Teaching (IUIT) WINNERS

Awards to: Eric Chronister, Jack Eichler and Richard Hooley. IUIT proposals address planned research and experimentation to develop and evaluate novel ideas that integrate technology with course curriculum and pedagogy. This program is made feasible by the new student technology fee paid by all undergraduate and graduate students at UCR. The program goal is to...
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