
Dr. Pingyun Feng selected for the 2020 Tolman Award!

Dr. Pingyun Feng has been selected for the 2020 Tolman Award! The Tolman Medal is awarded each year by the Southern California Section of the American Chemical Society in recognition of outstanding contributions to chemistry. These contributions may include achievements in fundamental studies; achievements in chemical technology; significant contributions to chemical education; or outstanding leadership...

Dr. Kevin Simpson recognized as one of the 2021 ACS Outreach Volunteers of the Year for the San Gorgonio section

Outreach Volunteer of the Year (VOTY) awards recognize the immeasurable efforts made by ACS local section and international chapter volunteers who conduct outreach and teach the public about chemistry. ACS presents awardees with a small gift and a certificate during a meeting or event. The awardees are also recognized at the annual ChemLuminary Awards, on...

Dr. Kerry Hanson speaks with David Pogue on PBS NOVA's Beyond the Elements

Dr. Kerry Hanson of UCR Chemistry speaks with David Pogue on NOVA's Beyond the Elements, which is available online now via your local PBS station. Using volleyball as an analogy, Kerry and David talk about the different types of UV radiation (UVA, UVB, UVC), their unique effects on life on our planet., and how high...

Dr. Yinsheng Wang recognized as an outstanding scientist by NIEHS grant awards!

Eleven new researchers received competitive NIEHS Revolutionzing Innovative Visionary Environemental Health Research (RIVER) and Outstanding New Environmental Health Science (ONES) awards as of July 7. Dr. Yinsheng Wang will study how alkylated DNA lesions affect DNA stability with his RIVER award. Alkylation, a type of damage that creates lesions in DNA, can alter gene expression...

Nanomaterial Gives Robots Chameleon Skin

A new film made of gold nanoparticles changes color in response to any type of movement. Its unprecedented qualities could allow robots to mimic chameleons and octopi — among other futuristic applications. Unlike other materials that try to emulate nature’s color changers, this one can respond to any type of movement, like bending or twisting...

Dr. Casselman selected for the the Academy for Distinguished Teachers Innovative Teaching Award

Three UC Riverside professors have been recognized for their exemplary teaching in the 2019-20 academic year by the Academy of Distinguished Teachers. Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Education Jennifer Brown announced the winners Monday, May 4. Her office, in partnership with the Academy of Distinguished Teachers, sponsors the awards. Dr. Matthew Casselman the 2019-20...

2020 Alumni Award Winners Announced

The Chemistry department is pleased to recognize three outstanding graduate students, Tim Cholko, Emily Rigsby, and Chandler Greenwell with the 2020 Alumni Graduate Student Scholarships for their research excellence. Tim and Chandler are fourth-year graduate students, and Emily is in her fifth year. Tim Cholko has been performing computational chemistry research in Prof. Chia-en Chang's...

2020 Haddon Award Winner

The Chemistry department is pleased to honor our former colleague, Prof. Robert Haddon, by recognizing an outstanding graduate student, Wangxiang “Luke” Li with the 2020 Robert C. Haddon Memorial Endowed Graduate Award. Luke started his UCR career as a visiting undergraduate working with Prof. Haddon in 2015, before being co-advised by Elena Bekyarova (Haddon) and...

Dr. Yadong Yin elected to MRS Fellows

Prof. Yadong Yin has been elected to the class of 2020 MRS Fellows. This highly selective distinction honors the members of Materials Research Society who are notable for their distinguished research accomplishments and their outstanding contributions to the advancement of materials research, world-wide. Prof. Yin is recognized for his “ outstanding contributions to the understanding...

Dr. Mihri Ozkan elevated to National Academy of Inventors Fellow

Mihri Ozkan, a professor of electrical and computer engineering at UC Riverside, has been elected a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors, or NAI. The NAI Fellows Program highlights academic inventors who have demonstrated a spirit of innovation in creating or facilitating outstanding inventions that have made a tangible impact on quality of life...
Ludwig Bartels (left) and Alexander Balandin (right) in the Phonon Optimized Engineered Materials (POEM) Center at UC Riverside, 2019

Dr. Balandin and Dr. Bartels from UCR receive $1.12 million grant

Alexander Balandin, a distinguished professor of electrical and computer engineering at UC Riverside and Ludwig Bartels, a professor of chemistry, have received a $1.12 million grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to conduct data-driven discovery, synthesis, and characterization of a unique new class of materials, referred to as one-dimensional van der Waals bonded solids...
By Holly Ober |
Tyler Lambeth (left) and Ryan Julian in the lab. (UCR/Julian lab)

An alternate theory for what causes Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's disease, the most common cause of dementia among the elderly, is characterized by plaques and tangles in the brain, with most efforts at finding a cure focused on these abnormal structures. But a University of California, Riverside, research team has identified alternate chemistry that could account for the various pathologies associated with the disease...
By Iqbal Pittawala |
ACS logo

2017-2018 ACS Student Chapter Awards

Congratulations to the Chemistry Club for being selected for the Outstanding Award! For the 2017-2018 academic year, the American Chemical Society received over 400 activity reports. Of the 400+ reports, ACS presented 69 Outstanding, 92 Commendable, and 145 Honorable mention awards. Thank you to the Chemistry Club and Dr. Casselman for making great commitments of...
2019 Scholarship Winners

Winners of the 2019 Richard M. Martin Scholarship!

The Richard M. Martin Scholarship seeks students who have outstanding achievements in chemistry classes, chemistry laboratory research, and demonstrates capacity to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in chemistry. Please congratulate Teressa Benbarka, Ricardo Tolentino, and Yongxian Wu for being selected for the this years Richard M. Martin Scholarship award!

Nobel Prize Winner to Join UC Riverside Faculty

RIVERSIDE, Calif. ( — Richard Schrock, a Nobel Prize-winning chemist and UC Riverside alumnus, will join the faculty in UCR’s College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences in September 2018. He will be the inaugural George K. Helmkamp Founder’s Chair in Chemistry, named after one of the founding faculty members of UCR’s Department of Chemistry. Schrock...

DOE Office of Science Graduate Student Research Program Award

Victor Fung receives the DOE Office of Science Graduate Student Research Program (SCGSR) award. Victor is a third-year graduate student in De-en Jiang's group; his research focuses on computational understanding of surface catalysis. The SCGSR award will fund Victor for a six-month stay at Oak Ridge National Laboratory to conduct part of his dissertation research...

Publication is Highly Ranked by the Editorial Team of Angewandte Chemie

An international team led by Prof. Val Vullev, with Prof. Greg Beran overseeing the computational studies and Dr. Dan Borchardt providing the 2D NMR analysis, discovers unprecedentedly large effects of molecular electric dipoles on charge transfer, and develops an approach for quantifying such effects. Lowering medium polarity allows them to demonstrate enhancement of electron transfer...

UC Riverside UCCS 2018

Several graduate students from UC Riverside had a major impact on the 3rd Annual University of California Chemical Symposium, which was held at the UCLA Lake Arrowhead Conference Center and brings together graduate students and postdoctoral fellows from the entire UC system. The UCCS 2018 drew over 100 graduate student and post-doctoral attendees in addition...

NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) award for 2018

Assistant Professor of Chemistry Dr. Dave Martin has been awarded an NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) award for 2018. Dr. Martin will receive $650,000 to support his project "Direct Radical Functionalization of Alcohols using Cobalt Photocatalysis." His research group is developing a cobalt-based catalyst system that harnesses light energy to perform the direct functionalization...

NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) award for 2018

Assistant Professor of Chemistry W. Hill Harman has been awarded an NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) award for 2018. Dr. Harman will receive $678,500 to support his project "Hybrid Borane Platforms for the Activation of Small Molecules of Energy Consequence." His group is developing new boron-based small molecule platforms for the catalysis of energy...
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